Sunday, April 20, 2014

3 Lessons From Social Media

Social media continues to expand and dominate the virtual conversation. What can we learn from the popularity of the platform?

Lessons from Social Media:

1. Be Brief. Get your communication down to the fewest possible characters. The technology – and consumers – demand it. Whatever you think you need pages and pages to explain might be better said in just a few lines.

2. Be Attentive. There’s far more for you to listen to on social media than there is for you to say. Be aware of what others are saying, pay attention to the conversations that are going on around you. Just because you didn’t start them doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.

3. Be Flexible. No format is forever. I never wanted Rakuten merchants to be tied to one platform—they must use many and assume they will use even more in the future. This is the best mind-set for success. We did a study of our merchants in 2012 and found they were successfully using Facebook, Mixi, Google+, and Twitter. We created a screen by which our merchants could access these many tools easily and efficiently. The result is that Rakuten merchants not only use one kind of social media, they participate in the full landscape of social media options and will be able to do so even as newcomers enter the space. In technology, there is always a new invention right around the corner. To be successful, you must embrace what is available now and be ready for whatever is coming—because something is surely coming.

Much of what is new and relevant in the business world will happen first in the virtual world. Social media is our window and our guide to this virtual information.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Social media is similar to the World Wide Web. It provides unlimited global access to its users. In the past, it has been difficult to comprehend how to connect or build a business relationship with someone in another country. With the increase in technology, social media bridges that gap giving you the ability to build and develop relations all over the world. These 5 points solidify why you should be participating in some form of social media.

- Networking. Builds relationships.
- Marketing. Provides inexpensive marketing.
- New Customer Outreach. Interacts directly with potential customers.
- Product Development. Easily accessible for new product/specials.
- Customer Satisfaction. Gathers insight/feedback on services and/or products.

Social media has redefined how we communicate with one another. It is crucial to the success of your business. You are no longer limited to the connection down the street. You now have access to potential clients all over the world.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Google May Step into wireless Carrier Services Soon

Google May Step into Wireless Carrier Services Soon

After giving a tough competition to TV cable operators with its Chromecast, Google is now considering ventures for wireless and mobile carriers. The internet giant is planning a full-fledged wireless service to combine its Fiber, TV, VoIP and other services with existing mobile carriers like Verizon and AT&T.


The wireless service will offer users both internet access and voice on the go – all from Google.

Eventually, Google plans to turn this service into a mobile virtual network operator, or MVNO – which buys access to large mobile networks in bulks and distributes it amongst several users.

In other words, Google won’t be placing its own mobile service infrastructure, it will simply piggyback on an existing operator such as Verizon and resell it in its own custom packages.

Of course, Google would have that its MVNO launch in places where fiber optic services are already installed. And the success with it will largely be determined by the pace with which fiber optics expand in future.

Currently, Google have them in Kansas City, Missouri, Provo and Utah. Here is a map showing presence of fiber services in United States.


According to reports from The Information, Google had negotiations with Sprint in 2013. And this time around, it has met with some Verizon officials to discuss possibilities for its MVNO program.

Given its vast expansion into untapped markets in recent times, it is no wonder that Google may want to piggyback on even large carrier like T-Mobile in future.

Indeed, after its enormous success in beating AT&T’s Wi-Fi at Starbucks, we know how powerful Google could be if it makes more use of its fiber service.

To sum up, Google’s is building on its vast tech potential by considering entry into the wireless services. Given its immense reception from Nexus phones and fiber services, anything to replace time-tested mobile operators will be more than welcomed

Monday, April 14, 2014

3 reasons to invest in marketing on social networks

Web 2.0 has created a participatory user profile, both in power and in the opinion of online content production. The many social networks like Facebook, Twitter, blogs and even YouTube itself, are proof that browsers "voiceless", different from traditional media such as television and radio.

Therefore, to work your online image or even sell their products and services - personal or corporate - social networks are an important market to be exploited by marketing. We list three reasons to look professionally to social networks:

1 - Identify and understand your target audience

With the statistics provided by various online tools such as Google Analytics, you can understand in detail - such as gender, language, location and interests - the public of their social networks, like Facebook fan pages or blog readers.

In traditional media, advertising and marketing campaigns are much more generic and comprehensive, made to reach the masses. Therefore, in social networks, it is much easier and effective thinking in marketing campaigns (or even posts and messages) directed at your target audience.

2 - Increased engagement of the message

Social networks are spaces of constant interactions. The contents are shared by friends, acquaintances or friends of friends. Thus, the feeling of "closeness" lends credibility to the messages disseminated.

This new feature is quite different from traditional advertising, where companies want to convince the public to buy a product in a very formal and somewhat personal relationship.

Therefore, companies and people with professional profile, worried about an online positioning, can join this "hall of closeness" with users. It is important, for instance, allow direct contact and create targeted messages.

So you pick up the market and offers content that its users will replicate, increasing the engagement of your message.

3 - Reduced Cost

To collaborate with the two issues listed above, another great advantage of their position in social networks, through digital marketing is the low cost of this process.

The vast majority of the target audience and monitoring of social networks analysis tools are free. Also the production of content can be done by yourself. Just commitment and dedication.

Even if you want to invest in a team of producers and designers, the values ​​do not compare to the investments made in marketing in traditional media such as television, for example.

The success of your digital marketing job will depend on how able to analyze data from your audience and message that will provide them. Remember that social networks are usually not "compromises" between users and brands. If users like simply recommend. Is the new "word-of-mouth" in higher dimensions.

Author: Anthony Netto